Peace be upon you. This small search I have done to explain the differences between Sunnis and Shiites. And when the
anniversary of the year, I mean the doctrine of the early Muslims without
political differences. And I will speak only for the Shiites,
"duodenal" not all Shia sects of extinct or "Zaidi" The
closest communities for the year.
1/1. First, the
definition of the Sunnis and the Jama’a :
connotations the term idiomatic use as the owners of all his art :
1 -
in the Quran and the Sunnah : desirable and delegate , and the obligatory
versus Voluntary Prayers , To say jurists : siwaak year unanimously ; any :
disagreeable .
2 - Sunnah
in the principles of jurisprudence : A Guide to the total body of evidence .
say : Evidence total agreed : the book, and Sunnah, and consensus .
3 - Sunnah
in Hadith science : What was added to the Prophet - peace be upon him - said or
done or report, or the recipe congenital or birth defects , and was told : talk
more generally of Sunnah, says Shatibi : " called the term Sunnah on what
was transferred from the Prophet - peace be upon him - in particular , which
did not provide for it in the Holy Quran. "
4 - Sunnah
in the books of Sunan and creators : come in exchange for heresy ; Ibn Masood said
: " the intent in the year is better than diligent in heresy ".
5 -
ySunnah in and wrote beliefs : come in the sense of belief , such as : Book of Sunnah
of Imam Ahmad , and Sunnah of Barbharri , and Sunnah of Baghawi , and Sunnah of
Khalal .
Rajab said : " Many of the scientists latecomers for Sunnah in relation to
the belief ; because they origin of religion , and where the offender is in
great danger .".
6 - Sunnahmore
general sense of it all , and is intended to sharia or religion; said Hasan al-Basri
and Sufyan in the interpretation of - the Almighty - ﴿ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكَ
عَلَى شَرِيعَةٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْرِ فَاتَّبِعْهَا وَلاَ تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاء الَّذِينَ
لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ﴾ [الجاثية: 18] ) (He wants
the law of the Order Vatbaha do not follow the whims of those who do not know)(Gatheh
: 18 ] , they said : " the year ".
Taymiyah - may God have mercy on him - " the year is the law , which is
laid down by Allah and his messenger of religion".
is the definition of idiomatic of Sunnah has avoided mention of the linguistic
definition is not needed.
1/ 2. Definition
Shiites idiomatically
views of Oulamas in the definition of the fact Shiites , are summarized in the
following words :
knew all of prevail The senior and his family . As Fayroozabaadi said : ( This
name has dominated both the graduate and take his family , until he became a
special name for them ) .
Who graduate and thought « Imamth »
text , and the succession of his predecessors were unjustly .
preferred to graduate to Osman , God bless them .
name for each of the preferred high on the Caliphs before him , God bless them
all, and felt that the people of the house deserving of succession , succession
and other void. The definitions are all non- exhaustive and only one of them .
these words :
first definition : it is not correct , because the Sunnis in charge of graduate
and his family , who are against the Shiites .
second definition : so veto the view of some of the Shia believe that Khalif Omar
and Khalif Abou Bakr were good, and some of them stopped in Osman , and take
some of them with him as some of the Zaidi mentioned Ibn Hazm .
also what it looks like from the palace in the succession only without
mentioning his family .
third definition is true as well; veto including a view of some of the
innocence of the Shiites Osman. As said Kathir Azza :
برأت إلى الإله من ابن أروى |
ومن دين الخوارج أجمعينا |
ومن عمر برئت ومن عتيق |
غـداة دعي أمير المؤمنينا |
Ibn Arwa to Allah, It is the religion of the all Kharijites, and qcuited Omar
and Atiiq, after the day called « Amir mouminine »)
remains likely that the definitions of the fourth set , including the
definition of the Shia as a community of ideas and opinions believer.
Ilahi Zaheer said : The word Shiites are not released unless the followers of
the man and his supporters said: flan of Shiites so and so any who like amateur
as Zubaidi said : All the people gathered on the order understand the Shia, and
all of the collaboration man and partisanship he is Shiite him , originally
from Almhayah a plasticity and follow-up . did not use this word in the first
era of Islam , but in its original meaning and real this also was not used only
to political parties and groups competing in some of the issues relating to
governance and the rulers , has been commonly used at different between
Mouawiya and Ali , may Allah be pleased with them after the death of Othman,
may Allah be pleased with him.
2 / historical
section :
disagree ancient and muhaddathoon in determining the time which showed bias in
the time that they set for the emergence of this idea varies between the
beginning of Islam after the death of Ali may Allah be pleased with him.
in different directions to determine the beginning ...
First opinion : Shiism that appeared in the
life of the Prophet peace be upon him.
Shiites are the owners of this trend, they say that the Prophet peace be upon
him is the one who planted the seed of Shiism and Shiite appeared in his time;
and that there are some companions who Chiawa Ali may Allah be pleased with him
and in his time with Ali.
Said « Shiites are the band Ali bin Abi Talib Ali Shiites Muslims in his
time, peace be upon him and beyond defined Bannagatah him and say Bamamth them
Miqdad and Salman and Abu Dhar and Ammar They are named after the first of
Shiism »
Mohammed Amine said « Nominated so that the Shiites of any time of the
Prophet »
Hocine Al cachif said « The first to put the seed of Shiism developed with
a field of Islam is the same as the owner of Islamic law means that the seed of
Shiism and placed with the seed of Islam along with irrigation and equally and
take care of even grown and bloomed in his life and then paid off after his
death »
Dr Ali Nacher said « (The big mistake in this attempt he was not in
the hands of the Prophet, peace be upon him Shiites and Sunnis have been
declared the Koran, إن الدين عند الله الإسلام "The religion of God is Islam" does not Sunnah or
said « Islam came to take away our people there Hashemi nor Qureshi
nor Timmy or any other preferred not an Arab
but by piety , Did Osman hate Ali? Were did Abu Dhar and Ammar hate
Abu Osman? We do not forget Abu Bakr is the one who arrests Ammar Ibn Yasser
and he used it then emir There was not a Shiite spiritual not political in the
hands of prophecy did not show the word as a term Shia at all during that time
Second opinion : Shiism that appeared after
the death of the Prophet peace be upon him.
otherwise tomcat posthumously peace be upon him about his successor, peace be
upon him and found the group see the legitimacy of Ali may Allah be pleased
with him Ichion imam and his companions who are some God bless them all
of this view of the saw Dr. Ahmed Amin, who is due to start Shiism team
companions who love to be saved Ali may Allah be pleased with him and saw most
entitled to assume Caliphate is the most famous Salman and Abu Dhar and Miqdad.
Dr. Mustafa Hilmi saying « and it seems that Dr. Ahmed Amin settled this
view of the historical facts that tell about the failure of some people about
the allegiance of Abu Bakr where Rawa legitimacy of the succession but a
difference of opinion in such a case should not be taken as a sign of the
beginning of Shiism because about Ali
then not only united by their love of him and his preference to others not on
the basis of Shiite)
There are some supporters who had been nominated Saad bin Obada to be khalifa
to the Muslims Can we say then that this was Shiaa Saad? Absolutely no.
that difference is normal, which is one of the requirements of the system in
the Shura Council in the understanding of Islam and one of numerous surveyed
and separated until they agreed on a succession of Abu Bakr may Allah be
pleased with him to be the successor to the Muslims.
Ali may Allah be pleased with him has lagged in the first swear allegiance to
Abu Bakr concern for the processing of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
in preparation for burial because he knew that Abu Bakr sat allegiance to rush
out even pledged allegiance.
in his career with his isnaad to Habib bin AbiThabit said: « Ali in his
house as he came and was told to him had sat Abu Bakr's allegiance went out in
shirt whithout Jaket calf in hatred that slows them even pledged allegiance and
then sat down to him and sent to his jaket came to him and his council needed.
Third opinion : Shiism that began in the life
of Osman may Allah be pleased with him after his death
Hazm said « then took Osman and remained twelve years and his death
happened and began difference is ordered Raafidis »
Imam Muhammad Abu Zahra said « The Shi'a
phenomenon in the last era of the third Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan has grown and
raised in the era of Ali may Allah be pleased with him but did not work on its
said, and that took care of this doctrine is Abdullah bin Saba began his reign
in the late Osman, who chaired a total of those who entered in Islam outwardly
and inwardly they took harbored disbelief mourn bad for Osman may Allah be
pleased with him and remember Ali may Allah be pleased with him well »
Tabari says « Abdullah bin Sab’a
was a Jew from the people of Sana'a became muslim time Osman then transported
in a Muslim country is trying to misguidance muslims then began Hijaz Basra and
Kufa and Sham was not able to Mairead when one of the people of Sham they cast
him until he came to do Umrah.
Including what he said (to wonder which
alleged that Jesus due lie and that Muhammad was due Qallah Almighty إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن لرادك إلى معاد ) Allah
imposition of the Quran to return you hostile to)
Ahmed deserving of reference
was told that his and put them where the irreversibility « Arrajaa »then
told them then that he was a prophet and A. Every prophet was Muhammad Ali
he said: Muhammad, the Seal of the prophets and Ali his Wasiy; then told them
then: that Osman taken unjustly and this guardian Messenger of Allah, peace be
upon him , wake up in this matter and begin challenge on Amraúkm and showed the
Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to call people and invite them to
this opinion.
Fourth opinion : Shiism that appeared in the
succession of Ali may Allah be pleased with him, and after his martyrdom.
Proponents of this view Ibn al-Nadim, where he said "when Talha and Zubair
bucked Ali may Allah be pleased with him , Ali called his companions, may Allah
be pleased with him as "Chiatii"
Dr Ali
Nechar commenting on the words of Ibn Nadim former « I see in the
words of Ibn Nadim shiite, some hyperbole ».
Fifth opinion : Shiites that emerged after
the return of Ali from Safiin in 37 AH
who sees this opinion His brief Masterpiece Twelver where he says, "and I
know that the emergence of this title Shi'a was thirty-seven years of migration
and God knows"
view is supported by Dr. Mohammed El Assal, where he says, commenting (followed
by the title of Ali may Allah be pleased with him that day, they are the people
of Kufa, which consisted of killing Osman and their families, and to follow Ibn
Sab’a nor can any prosecutor claims that the emergence of a wide singled Ali
before these
is known that the faithful was in the reign of his three brothers before him
the best support them do advise to God and His Messenger and the Imams of the
Muslims and their common folk were not charged around suspicions that his
Shiite manifest or hide as well as to have the Shiites are known in the time of
the Prophet peace be upon him singled and the successive
is the reality of history and has claimed the collapse of the Shia Shiism grew
up in the era of the Prophet peace be upon him with Islam along
Sixth opinion : Shiism that emerged after the death of
Hussein, may Allah be pleased with him
Musty Shebi said: « that Shiism has witnessed the start of Islam as the
substance and that it appeared to him as a political movement after the disputed
Muawiya with Ali may Allah be pleased with him Emirate and management of the
affairs of Muslims.
3/ the most important
differences between the Sunnis and Ithnaa-Achri ( Shiaa)
3.1 difference of beliefs : I have seen
that it is better to put on the table the differences in easy to understand and
have clear idea
العصمة infallibility
To prophets and twelve imamas
Only to prophets
الصحابة Sahaba
Some are just and others are hypocrites
or apostate and infidel Some scholars of some of the companions, and they see
that some of them are in hell
All of them unbreakable
modifying them their love of God and pleased with their duty. They believe
that the best people are the prophets after Abu Bakr, then Omar and Ali Osman
and then, and then the rest of the companions by preference.
أمهات المؤمنين mothers of the
Believe that Aisha violated
the law of God and went out on the front of its time and did not injected
into the blood of the Muslims and hurted prophet
Aisha, the mother of believers
from the family of the Prophet, and, they love family of the Prophet, and she
is his wife in Paradise
الإمامة Imamah
Imamate stipulated specific by
Imamate is not determined by Allah
and that Allah preferred the Imamate kind enough to do on wills of His
servants and not private to anyone
الإستغاثة و التوسل Distress and begging
May distress without Allah,
and believe that their imams have intercession.
No mode between Allah and His
servants, and do not allow prayer for an other person, just to Allah
the most important fiqh differences
الخمس Al khoms
Believe that removing the duty
on the unbelievers and the money gets eaten by the Muslim Maunth plus about
half of the annual go forward, acting as the apostle or the so-called Wali
Believe that removing the duty
of infidels only in ore spoils of war
زواج المتعة temporary marriage
It permissible wage
Muharram and consider weight
السجود على التربة الحسينية
Prostrate on the soil
Believes Shiites
inadmissibility prostration during prayer, but on the ground of sand and
stone and dust, as well as on what the earth grows from non-edible nor worn,
and prostrate on the clothes, fabrics and bedding from carpets and the like,
as well as the metals of copper and silver and gold is not permissible
See the Sunnis and the
community that this is the updated things in religion, where the Prophet did
not do it nor companions including Ali and Hussein, Allah bless them
وضع اليدين على الصدر في الصلاة
Put hands on the chest in
Shiaa don’t believe it’s
Ahl Sunnah believe it’s
sunnah, but left it does not
invalidate the prayer
الأذان Athan
There are extras in the Athan
considers it heresy Sunnis may not be behind Athan chanting like أشهد أن علي ولي الله (I bear witness that Ali is God's supreme guardian) and حي على خير العمل (neighborhood
on the good work(
Athan when the Sunnis is the
software, which was known at the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him
ضرب النفس hit ourself
4/How should be
treated as a Sunni Muslim Shiites?
Muslims differ in how to treat the Shiites and each one of them and point of
view . But my personal opinion is treated with compassion and good advice and
invite them to leave heresy in the best manner . And quoted in the many verses
that came in the context of non-believers in Islam . I know very well that
there was a strong advances from the creator , but if we look at a good
treatment for abuse of good literature in rhetoric and persuasive argument and
evidence to show us that the best way to treat them is mercy and compassion .
Because a true Muslim loves to enter the largest number of people to paradise .
A Muslim does not rejoice in the death of a person never is the religion of
Islam . We all know the story of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him with
a Jewish neighbor who visited his son in bed and is battling the disease ,
called him to Islam responded rejoiced Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him
great joy .
evidences from the Quran are alot :
الله تعالى مخاطباً النبي محمداً (ص) : (ولو شاء ربّك لآمن مَنْ في الأرض كلّهم
جميعاً أفأنت تكره الناس حتى يكونوا مؤمنين )(يونس/99
(Allah said, addressing the Prophet Muhammad (p): (Had your Lord willed
to securely into the ground, all of them raise it hates people so they are not
insured) (Younis / 99
القرآن عن بيان النبي نوح (عليه السلام) لقومه إنّ حقائق الدين غير قابلة للإكراه
والإلزام والجبر ، فهي عقيدة يقتنع بها العقل، وإيمان تقبله النفوس عن رضاً
وقناعة، جاء ذلك في قوله تعالى :
((قال يا قوم أرأيتم إن كنت على بيِّنة من ربِّي وآتاني رحمة من عنده فعُمِّيت عليكم أنلزمكموها وأنتم لها كارهون ) (هود /28 (The Qur'an speaks about the statement of the Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) to his people that the truths of religion are non-coercion and compulsion and algebra, they are convinced by the doctrine of the mind, the soul and faith accepted for satisfaction and conviction, came in the verse:
((قال يا قوم أرأيتم إن كنت على بيِّنة من ربِّي وآتاني رحمة من عنده فعُمِّيت عليكم أنلزمكموها وأنتم لها كارهون ) (هود /28 (The Qur'an speaks about the statement of the Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) to his people that the truths of religion are non-coercion and compulsion and algebra, they are convinced by the doctrine of the mind, the soul and faith accepted for satisfaction and conviction, came in the verse:
((O my people said Do you see that you are aware of the Lord came to
the mercy of his own Fmat Onlzimkmoha you and you have grudgingly) (HUD / 28)
أنت عليهم بجبّار فذكِّر بالقرآن مَن يخاف وعيد )(ق/45)
. (
سبحانه : (وما جعلناك عليهم حفيظاً وما أنت عليهم بوكيل )(الأنعام/107)
و قال تعالى " أدعوا إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة و
الموعضة الحسنة و جادلهم بالتي هي أحسن" ( Allah said, "invite to the way of thy Lord with wisdom
and beautiful preaching and argue with them is
Also on the Sunnis to highlight the extent
of their love for the Shiites to the household of the Prophet, peace be upon
him, because a lot of the Shiites do not know this and do not realize that we
love the people of the house of the Prophet, peace be upon Him more than we
love ourselves. And of his household wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
I speech last quote the Prophet, peace be upon
him "was sent to complete good morals" we should trat them well
treated because if Allah guide your one is better for you than red camels.
The dispute and of his knowledge of the
Shiites, it is only for a Sunni Muslim who knows their faith and their books.
Can convince them to mind. I remember a
story I heard from one of the imams. That at the time of the Safavid state
wanted the governor to evaluate the debate between scientists Shiites and the scientist
sunni, scientist sunni when he entered the king's palace, income and his shoes
under his armpit, marveled Seated from the disposal of the Sunni world they
asked him, "Why do not you leave your shoes outside the hall ?,"
answered, "I heard that Shiites at the time of the Prophet, peace be upon
him were stealing shoes, "replied Shiite scholars" There was no
Shiites in the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him " said the Alim sunni :" so the
debate is over " (They answered
themselves by themselves and admitted that there is no Shiites at the time of
the Prophet, peace be upon him)
In the end, I pray to Allah to bring
together all the Muslims straight and to unite their ranks.
Your Brother « Amine » from
Holy Quran
Al Qamous al Mohit, Al Azhari
Al fasl fi al milal wa nihal, Ibn
Firak Moassira, al Awaji
Shiaa wa Tashaoo, Ihsan Ilahi Zahir
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